Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The last few months have been filled with change.

Well, friends, it's been a long time since updating. A little rundown of the last few months:

*we moved to Provo, UT---but left Darlybird inventory in West Sacramento at our fulfillment warehouse.
*tried to get kids settled into school and preschool---it's an ongoing adjustment, friends.
*we had a great showing at the Beehive Bazaar, Provo's indy craft fair.
*we had a cozy Christmas, hosting lots of family parties at the manse.
*I made a
dollhouse for my 3 girlies. I'll post more about that later.
*Jon flew back to Sac, where he rented another moving van to move the remainder of our belongings to the Beehive State. We also decided to pack up Darlybird and bring it home.


Just thought you'd like the update. Reclaiming the Darlybird shipping project is a mixed bag. On the one hand, I love getting each box ready, writing a handwritten sentiment on the invoice, and knowing that everything is just as it should be. On the other hand, shipping can be drudgery, and it was nice having that out of my hair. But hopefully this will mean prompter service, more personal touches, and faster turn-around when I have new inventory. So, order away!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Yay your closer to me now!!! I love your stuff