Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Allie Faces Fears + #DarlyFacesFears

There is no question that I have some fears and anxieties over things. As I told a friend the other day, they are primarily things that could very easily cause me to pass out or vomit, so I think that’s pretty valid. Who wants to experience those things ON PURPOSE? Certainly not me. Obviously. Even if logically I know that the modern invention of Dramamine will help ease a lot of those side effects, my survival instincts are alive and well— there’s still that knowledge that this thing (water/needle/height/movement) has betrayed me in the past, and why would I WANT to go do that FOR FUN?

I realize, though, that some of these fears of mine have prevented me from both helping others and having fun with friends, depending on the fear. While I don’t necessarily feel like my life is lacking, I feel like perhaps approaching these fears could settle some self-doubts, increase my understanding of my potential in other areas of life, and just feel good to put to rest, you know?

And I never ever need to do these things again ;) haha jk, we’ll see.

I’ve picked three things in three different areas. All of the things I’ve chosen are safe and will have parameters to help me feel safe (gear, people I trust, good locations, etc.). You may laugh at each and every one of them thinking that you could do that thing in a second, no big deal. And you’d probably be right. But while I may be able to sing on a stage in front of hundreds of people no problem, that may scare the crumbs out of you. And while you don’t think twice about donating blood when the Red Cross calls, I think of the friends who have told me they’ve passed out, or the one friend who somehow had a temporarily paralyzed arm??!

We all have our things, and these are some of mine.

Over the next few weeks (through September) I’ll be sharing my three fears that I have faced! Today was just the intro. I picked my three things and am making plans.

Now, here’s where you come in.

I want YOU to pick YOUR things-- maybe 1 to 3 things that scare/intimidate you-- and from now until the end of September, I want you to face those fears. THEN I want you to tell us about them by posting on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #DarlyFacesFears. We’ll be featuring some of your posts on the Darlyblog, and there may be a prize involved at the end for one of the participants! (TBA!)

At Darlybird we believe in creating a beautiful, colorful, lively life, and sometimes that means overcoming the scary things to make room for the beautiful. So, let’s do this!

Love, Allie

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