Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Who are the people in your neighborhood?

A few years back I fell upon the motherload of garage sales in Davis, CA. It was insanity, friends. I bought a whole vintage Fisher Price Main Street little people set for 3 dollars. That was the piece de resistance, but just the beginning of the awesomeness. My three girls have played with this set for the last 4 years. The best $3 I've ever spent. Well, over the years we've lost a few people, and some of the luster has worn off (barely). So, for last Christmas I had an idea: paint a bunch of new ones for them to add to the set. I found wooden people at a site which I can no longer find. But lucky you, I just found an even better resource:


A few minutes ago, before I saw the above source, I bought a few sets on ebay, too. But these prices are insane! Are you getting great Christmas ideas yet? I'll be posting the most adorable wool houses for these little folks on Darlybird in the coming weeks.

I bought several colors of acrylic craft paints and painted the skin tones first---two coats. Then, I plan the outfits. It's harder than it looks---buy super duper small brushes, and I've considered using permanent marker with fine tips for details, but haven't invested in a good set of markers yet. My girls were playing with them tons last month, so I pulled out more of my unfinished stash and let them design the outfits this time. Leah was particularly interested in that aspect. Let them dry REALLY WELL and then apply a sealant/varnish. I made sure these are completely non-toxic, because my girls always put everything in their mouths. The first time I used a matte sealant and the second batch were done with a gloss. I'm not sure which I prefer.

And as I'm typing, Leah has just gone and got out the village and the "village people" for more fun. Hope yours enjoy them, too.


Kara said...

That is so cool we still have our vintage main street to there are even are car or 2 around our house we have the old farm house and house as well! I don't have any kids yet but some cousins who would be in heaven! Thanks!

Gina Schmitz said...

OMGoodness! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the old people sets. Forget the new ones, they are not as fun! :) Yes, they go for a pretty penny on Ebay. My parents kept my castle with the pink dragon and all & once I looked it up on ebay to see and it was selling for over 100 bucks!

We just discovered Playmobil ...

amyks said...

Just found your blog via design mom. and wow! I so love those fisher price little people. I remember having the farm and the garage when I was a kid. Alas, my father the "neat freak" got rid of them, such a bummer.